
Can You Print My Art Or Old Photographs At Any Size?

JANUARY 21, 2019| SpeedPro Santa Rosa



The short answer to this very common question is “Yes we can!”. The questions that usually follow are- My art is huge and I don’t want the quality to fade, I would like this reproduction to last me a long time and I would like to have a digital copy for my archive.

Well I’m here to tell you SpeedPro Santa Rosa can do all of these things for you. We use only the highest quality scanning and printing methods. Such high quality in fact that it is the same process that museums use all around the world. We use a direct capture method that allows us to capture an image of any size as well as scanning items on our Scitex Flatbed scanner for anything 11×15 or smaller. Using these methods allows us to cater to a wider variety of customer from the large mural artist to someone wanting to preserve precious old family photos.  The best part about these two methods? They both capture the highest level of detail and have the highest color gamete.

What’s color gamut and why does it matter?

Color gamut refers to the complete set of colors found within an image at a given time. It matters because it determines the range of colors within a given piece that can be captured. In this context, direct capture is the most accurate digital representation of the original that can be re-purposed for your various web, print, and archiving needs.


How long will the print last?

Another good question. All of the high-quality prints we do are on acid-free paper using Eco-solvent ink, which allows the print to maintain its quality for up to 30 years. Another question that comes up is one of texture. As many artists know, some pieces involve much more than just the art on the canvas, and sometimes involves the canvas it’s self. We understand this and use only Acid free archived media. This can be regular canvas, textured canvas, regular and glossy paper.

When it comes to your art, precious family photographs and projects you’re passionate about, SpeedPro Santa Rosa are your local experts.

Big. Beautiful. Graphics.

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SpeedPro Santa Rosa

Studio Owner

Jeff Bricker

