
Fifth anniversary celebration cake pops

Great Big Anniversary Party

JUNE 19, 2018| SpeedPro Silver Spring



Our June 5 year Anniversary Party was terrific fun. We had a van being wrapped, a wall mural installed, and the cutter and printers working. We delighted in having our customers there to learn more about how we produce the Great. Big. Graphics.

Our customers know how transformative using high quality graphics can be for businesses ranging from law firms to restaurants, from cleaning companies with cars to companies showing at trade shows, and more and they loved seeing how these items are made and installed.
The Greater Bethesda Chamber came with Senator Van Hollen and Council Member Berliner’s offices. The Great Silver Spring Chamber also came. We have their beautiful certificates proudly hung up in our studio.
We had our backdrop and step and repeat for photos; gift bags with measuring tapes, sticky notes and cake pops; and a raffle of Nats tickets and banner stands.
Thanks to everyone who came. If you couldn’t make it, we welcome you to stop by anytime. We have made a lot of changes in the studio.
Thank you for your business and support. We look forward to the next 5 years!
– Rick, Connie and Tom
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SpeedPro Silver Spring

Studio Owner


