
Bayclub Vallet parking sign

Retrofitting Signs? Smart ways to update what you have

SEPTEMBER 11, 2015| SpeedPro of SF Peninsula

Making the case for a signage retrofit

swimming pool sign
Revised wording and logo on existing A-frame sign

There are many reasons that existing signs or way finding plaques need to be updated.  A re-brand, perhaps?  Remodeling?  A name change or logo revision?  Or just some fresh ideas for improvement, without an external demand for compliance.

In any case, there are lots of ways to either “re-skin” a sign or in many cases build an insert to an existing sign holder that can be swapped in.

The SpeedPro Center in San Carlos recently helped a long-time client with a variety of signage updates and additions.  The Bay Club | Redwood Shores was formerly known as the Pacific Athletic Club, and we had done a variety of projects for them over the years, mostly in the pool area.  When their corporate parent decided to re-brand all of their clubs as “Bay Club | …xyx”, many of the changes were mandated (and paid for) as part of the corporate initiative.

Try to Count  all the places your brand appears

Private Lot sign

Of course this left a lot of other items – skinny A-frame inserts for the swimming pool, parking lot signs that were missing or done wrong.  More parking cones; safety signs, traffic barriers, wayfinding signs, and several markers that just needed a decal pasted-over.

When you’re faced with re-doing signs, give us a call. We work all over the San Francisco Bay Area, and are part of a nationwide system of SpeedPro Centers, so we can either take care of your needs or refer you to a sister operation.  Trust our experience and ideas for re-purposing existing elements for to minimize your out-of-pocket and maximize your return on investment (ROI).  Call us today at 650.662-5450 or email


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SpeedPro of SF Peninsula

Studio Owner

Michelle Barberini

